Book Review: The God of Small Things

 In one word: a masterpiece.

In more words: It is the story of a young twin India whose lives change tragically when "The Laws of Love were broken".

The story is written with beautiful craftsmanship. The scenes, the non-linear flow of events, the realism, and the incredible use of language got me much more invested than I could have ever asked for.

One thing I found especially astonishing was that Arundhati Roy did not shy away from spoiling the ending at the very beginning. As if she were challenging her readers, telling them that "the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets." And indeed, knowing how the story was going to end did not stop me the slightest from enjoying every single word of it.

That said, the story is beyond tragic. At certain points it can be extremely disturbing and overwhelming. The overall flow is sad, upsetting, and infuriating. Of course, this does not take away from its value. It is meant to be that way; to show you what society is capable of when its laws are broken.

So, is this book for you?
First, the story is, again, depressing. If you are low on emotional energy, it might not be for you.
Second, the book contains several triggers: child sexual abuse, child death, violence, caste system, discrimination. If any of them might bring up traumatic episodes, it might not be for you.
And finally, the book is slow. It's meant to be sipped. Enjoyed slowly, and inhaled deeply. If you're looking for something fast and efficient, it might not be for you.

If none of the above applies to you, then rush to your bookstore now, because this is a Must-Read.


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