Americans Can Finally Relate To Arabs

So now you know what it's like


To have a president who speaks without caring about consequences,

Who says things, and then claims to have never said them,

Who supports part of the population over others, 

Who thrives on creating divide between people, 

Who actively commits nepotism, 

Who does not care about law or constitution, 

Who claims every good thing that happened to himself, and every bad thing on others,

Who believes to be the greatest president to ever come, 

Who always tells you there is a huge conspiracy against him,

Who is willing to use force against protesters,

Who, despite all of that, is supported by a huge, deceived population,

Who is willing to rig elections, or claim that they were rigged against him,

The only difference is that you get to shove him off, while we get to have ours shoved down our throats.


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